Thursday, March 12, 2009
Necessary skill set

Images taken from a video which describes the inside and outside penetrating steps used in wrestling to shoot in for a single- or double-leg takedown. The accompanying text, however, is a little dubious. And wrestlers wonder why the sport is perceived as having homoerotic undertones...
TAGS: martial-arts humour
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Just so
From the Rudyard Kipling story, 'The Crab That Played With The Sea', back when the White Man still had his Burden (and UMNO had not yet been formed):
'Yes,' said the Man. 'But now we must go back to Perak, and that is a weary way to paddle. If we had waited till Pau Amma had gone out of Pusat Tasek and come home, the water would have carried us there by itself.'
'You are lazy,' said the Eldest Magician. 'So your children shall be lazy. They shall be the laziest people in the world. They shall be called the Malazy—the lazy people;' and he held up his finger to the Moon and said, 'O Fisherman, here is the Man too lazy to row home. Pull his canoe home with your line, Fisherman.'
'No,' said the Man. 'If I am to be lazy all my days, let the Sea work for me twice a day for ever. That will save paddling.'
And the Eldest Magician laughed and said, 'Payah kun' (That is right).
TAGS: malaysia quote